Frequently asked questions

Common Questions

Due to quality 3D Visualization, you can get feedback from your clients early in the process and potentially save a lot of money on changes. 3D Interior / Exterior / Product Visualisation provides you with invaluable marketing materials that will help you to promote or sell your project even before the launch.

Our portfolio of realized projects and the kind words of our clients are the best testimony that we know what we do. Our priority is the accurate implementation of your ideas to achieve great results.

We create 3D Visualizations for clients from all over the world and not having any difficulty working remotely. We will be staying in contact with you throughout the whole project, via emails, phone calls, or web meetings.

You need to provide us with all available data (CAD Drawings, descriptions, images, etc.), and based on it we will create a 3D model of your project, which will then be set in a virtual scene with realistic materials and a light scenario. Once you will be happy with the result we will render the final quality image which you can use.

Any information you have on the project is helpful. We can work with as little as a rough sketch or a picture to create a high-quality 3D Visualization. But the best is when you send us all available data, such as drawings, images, texture descriptions, references, sketches, etc. There can't be too much data, so it's best to send us everything you have at hand.

We have developed a workflow that is fully efficient, agile and makes clients participate in all stages of development whether it is 3D Interior / Exterior / Product visualization. We create a 3D Geometry for your approval, following by textures and materials, and wait for your confirmation, and finally, we are adding small details for maximum realism and final approval. Clients participate in all the stages to avoid errors and surprises with the final result.

Project delivery time depends on the scope and complexity of the project, so it's crucial to define the scope of your project as soon as possible.

All the official communication has to be done via email for record purposes. However, you can always reach us via Phone, WhatsApp, Viber, or we can hold the meeting via Zoom or Skype.

Usually, the standard high-resolution 3D Visualizations that we deliver are 72DPI. Exterior Visualization is usually 4000 Pixels/JPG or PNG file and Product / Interior Visualization 3000 Pixels/JPG or PNG file. This resolution can be applied to print more than DIN A1, which is suitable for use in a variety of print media. However, if you need any special resolution to be produced, we need to be informed before the final render production. In this case, we might charge extra for exceeding specifications.

Understanding Our Costs

No matter if you have a 3D Interior Visualization / Exterior Visualization / Product Visualisation project in mind, every project is unique and we are not able to set up a list of flat rates here. That is why we always offer a tailored solution for every client.

Before giving a quotation we evaluate the type of 3D Visualization Service, size of the project, level of details, and style. We also take into consideration the number of views, the final size of the images, and the time frame of the project. This is because it is impossible to give an exact price without knowing the exact scale of the project and what is involved in the task, as every design is different and varies in the amount of work and time spent on it.

The answer depends on the position of the second camera. If we can reuse a part of the scene from the first view, the price will be lower. If we have to build the scene for the second camera to a substantial amount, the price will be calculated as for the first view.

To make a cost estimation, you would need to send us 2D Drawings and the number of views with camera angles. If you tell us about your approximate timeframe, we can come back to you with a concrete offer straight away. All files sent to us will be treated confidentially.When starting with the project, it is crucial to provide us with as many exact details and references as possible. As it can influence the number of revisions and as a result a final timeline and price.

Due to the program's compatibility issues, not all 3D files can be used directly, as they need more tuning or require to rework converting into the necessary 3D format, so to make sure that the model is perfect for rendering. But in case we can use the model directly for the rendering, we can offer a corresponding discount.